Cop punches young woman in the head for underage drinking on the beach

Emily Weinman, a smidge under drinking age at 20 years old, went to the beach in Southern New Jersey to enjoy Memorial Day with her daughter, her daughter's father, and a friend. A police officer suspected her of underage drinking, and he didn't take kindly to her screaming when he tried to arrest her, so he punched her a couple of times.

From ABC13:

"Two cops approach me on their four-wheelers and ask me and my friend how old we are. We gave them our ages. Then, we got breathalized, and it came back negative. I told them I wasn't drinking and the alcohol was clearly closed/sealed, which the cops seen."

Weinman then writes that she walked away from the officer, attempting to make a phone call.

"I asked them don't they have something better to do as cops than to stop people for underage drinking on the beach, saying to that there's so much more serious stuff going on. The cop said, 'I was gonna let you go but now I'll write you up' and he asked my name. I did not do anything wrong and anything could've been written down on that paper so I wouldn't give it to him. At that point I was told if I don't give it to him he's going to arrest me."

Within the first few seconds of the cell phone video, you can see a Wildwood police officer punch Weinman in the head and then put her in a headlock.

Weinman "was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, minor in possession of alcohol, two counts of aggravated assault on police and obstruction."

In response to the public reaction after this video was posted on social media, The City of Wildwood Police Department put out this statement:

This City of Wildwood Police Department has received reports of a video on various social media sources, regarding an incident that occurred on the Wildwood beach yesterday afternoon, with our officers.

An Internal Affairs Investigation was immediately initiated into this matter and the involved officers have been reassigned to administrative duty pending the outcome of a full and thorough investigation.

Chief Regalbuto stated that while he finds this video to be alarming, he does not want to rush to any judgement until having the final results of the investigation.

Anyone that may have been present during this altercation and has supporting video that could assist us with this investigation are strongly encouraged to contact Detective Lieutenant Kenneth Gallagher at 609-522-0222. The Cape May County Prosecutor's Office, Professional Standards Unit will also be assisting in this investigation.

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