Few programming languages boast the versatility and user-friendliness of Python, which is why it's the first language of choice for many aspiring programmers. Regardless of your experience level, you can take the first step to becoming Python-savvy with the
Python 3 Bootcamp Bundle, available in the Boing Boing Store for $35 this week. Featuring more than 30 hours of content spread across nine courses, this collection is designed to teach you the fundamentals of working with Python, as well as some of its most important tools, such as Scrapy, Spicy, and Numpy. You'll explore core concepts, like branching, loops, functions, and exception handling, and refine your knowledge as you learn how to write programs using real applications. The Python 3 Bootcamp Bundle was on sale for $41, but it's
available in the Boing Boing Store this week for $35.