has designed cards to 'spark creativity and collaboration', the nonprofit sister branch of global design firm IDEO, has created a pack of 32 cards to "spark creativity and collaboration."

The deck is called the Design Kit Travel Pack and it's selling like gangbusters over at Kickstarter.

They write:

As designers, we believe any problem can be solved with the right mix of empathy, creativity, and experimentation, and we've used that recipe countless times over the past six years to design products and services that have reached more than 5 million people—from low-cost solar lanterns in Kenya to teen-friendly health clinics in Nigeria.

Now we want to put our design tools in the hands of problem-solvers everywhere, and we need your help. Building on the success of our Design Kit learning platform, we're creating the Travel Pack—a brand new set of bite-sized design exercises to help anyone solve big challenges...

Gathered from our years of experience designing solutions to some of the world's toughest challenges, the exercises in the Travel Pack are divided into three sections designed to help you get inspired, take creative risks, and test your ideas in the real world, no matter what you're working on.

(Creative Mornings)
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