Brett Kavanaugh lied to the Senate. Many times. Here's a long list, and a video supercut.

News reports and personal accounts from people who knew him show that Brett Kavanaugh lied again and again at his Senate confirmation hearing. How can this sputtering, raging, serial liar possibly be considered for the role of a Supreme Court justice?

In last Thursday's confirmation hearings, Kavanaugh lied repeatedly about Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's testimony that she was sexually assaulted by him at age 15.

Kavanaugh repeatedly lied that her account had been "refuted" by witnesses. He also lied about his behavior in high school and college. And he lied many times about policies he worked on during the presidency of George W. Bush.

"Kavanaugh is such a brazen liar that many of his false claims have been entirely refuted by reporting," Media Matters for America says in this comprehensive list of his lies under oath before the United States Senate.

Here are some of Kavanaugh's lies:

Kavanaugh repeatedly claimed Ford's accusation has been "refuted" by others who she said attended the party -- even though the other attendees have said no such thing. Kavanaugh seized on the word "refuted" when responding to Ford's report, claiming in five instances that the three people who Ford says were at the party when Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her had "refuted" her account. That's an obvious misrepresentation of what those people have said. They have actually all said that they don't recall the party in question -- a major difference from saying something didn't happen. And Ford's friend Leland Keyser has said that although she doesn't remember the party in question, she believes Ford is telling the truth.

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