Mueller's new boss is a Trump tool

Trump fired Jeff Sessions the morning after the midterm elections and appointed lawyer Matthew Whitaker as acting United States Attorney General. Whitaker has a long history of sucking up to Trump and saying Mueller's Trump/Russia investigation must be stopped. Quartz has assembled a list of the times Whitaker has been critical of the investigation and of Mueller.

Here are a few quotes from Whitaker's op-eds, tweets, and media appearances:

"Hollow calls for independent prosecutors are just craven attempts to score cheap political points and serve the public in no measurable way." "there is no criminal obstruction of justice charge to be had here [against Trump]." "I could see a scenario where Jeff Sessions is replaced, it would [be a] recess appointment and that attorney general doesn't fire Bob Mueller but he just reduces his budget to so low that his investigations grinds to almost a halt." "Note to Trump's lawyer: Do not cooperate with Mueller lynch mob"

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