The walls have crumbled for Trump

Political scientist and journalist David Rothkopf says Trump's days in the White House are numbered. In a blistering Twitter thread, Rothkopf makes the case that any high-quality people Trump had supporting him have either fled or are getting ready to, and now that the House is under control of Democrats, Trump's inner circle of bottom-of-the-barrel crooks and buffoons won't be able to protect him from his sordid history of sleazy dealings and self-destructive narcissism.

Thread by @djrothkopf: "No one knows the skeletons in Donald Trump's closet better than Donald Trump. No one knows the crimes he has committed, aided or abetted so […]"

By Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America - Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link Read the rest

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