Mueller releases Michael Flynn sentencing memo. All the good stuff is redacted.

The Michael Flynn Memo is out. It's redacted af.

According to the sentencing memorandum filed by the Special Counsel tonight, Donald Trump's former national security adviser sat for 19 interviews with the special counsel's office and other attorneys at the Justice Department.



From what I can tell by reading the memo, the investigations for which Flynn was interviewed appear to include at least one criminal probe, separate from and in addition to Mueller's Trump-Russia investigation.

Robert Mueller is recommending no prison time for Flynn, given his cooperation in the ongoing investigation into Trump's possible crimes with Russia.

The memo was released at 8:36 PM, on December 4, 2018.

Twitter reactions from tired journalists who waited for this thing all day, only to find a bunch of black lines, below.

What does this all mean?

It means people higher up than Flynn are in deep trouble.

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