Well, come to find out, my badass friend Spy Emerson (whose Hook Up Truck made international news a few years back) is the artist who created it. And now I've learned, on Boots' request, she's made a mini version of the sculpture to sell.
If you want to get on your hands it, you can find her on Instagram or Patreon. Or you can reach her through her website. https://www.instagram.com/p/BlRVRdCBMr6/?taken-by=spy.emerson
Spy shared with me that she clocked in 130 hours during filming last summer, as both an artist and a performer, and appears in the movie as a member of the Left Eye girl gang (in the photo below, she's the one in the goggles). In one scene she said that she's wearing an old punk t-shirt of hers from high school that reads, "Stay Warm, Burn the Rich." https://twitter.com/BootsRiley/status/1025490819153686528