Kavanaugh's Yale fraternity brothers posing with a flag of womens' underwear (PHOTO)

Young Brett Kavanaugh belonged to a wild fraternity at Yale that was reviled for misogyny and drunken woman-degrading antics.

Allegations of sexual assault follow more than half a dozen DKE members, including its president. And now, Brett Kavanaugh.

This archival photograph from the year Kavanaugh was a sophomore at the University, and already inducted into the fraternity, kind of says all you need to know about rape culture.

This photograph appeared in the Yale Daily News on Jan. 18, 1985. You can view a higher resolution version on the Yale Daily News website.

Kavanaugh does not appear in the photograph. DKE pledges are "fondly known as 'buttholes,'" according to the caption.

The Yale Daily News says the photo shows Brett Kavanaugh's DKE fraternity brothers "waving a flag woven from women's underwear as part of a procession of DKE initiates marching across Yale's campus."

DKE is a Yale fraternity known for misogynist antics, and the more than half a dozen sexual assault allegations against its members, including the fraternity's former President.

In a Facebook comment on the YaleWomen page, Jennifer Lew '87, a classmate of Kavanaugh's, says DKE frat bros used to raid women's rooms when they were in class to collect their bras and panties.

Psychologist Dr. Christine Blasey Ford says Kavanaugh tried to sexually assault her at a high school party almost 40 years ago.

Although the flag may seem shocking by today's standards, the photograph appeared in 1985 under the tongue-in-cheek headline "DKE AT PLAY." At the time of the escapades, Kavanaugh — who does not appear in the photo — was a sophomore, already inducted into the fraternity.

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