It hurts me to say this but 2019 is nearly here, and that means stores are filled with calendars.
Well, my daughter and I are traveling this week and while out at one of our favorite stores in Arizona, we saw a huge display of wall calendars. Because of the sheer quantity of them, we couldn't decide on one. So, we left empty-handed and I thought to search out what quirky calendars I could find online. I wasn't disappointed.
Here are some of the crazy calendars "kids" are into these days (notations in brackets are mine):
1. Animal Butts: "Welcome every month of the new year with a new animal butt!" [Or else!]
Available from Paper Source for $19.95
2. Animal Selfies: "did you know that animals love to take selfies too? Its true..." [that's 110% not true]
On Amazon for $10.39
3. NYC Taxi Drivers: "...features 12 of the city's most scintillating and good-humored yellow cab drivers." [Please, do not put jumper cables anywhere near your nipples!]
4. The RGB Workout: "Exercise with Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg... get into supreme shape!" [She recovered so quickly from those broken ribs, I probably should follow RGB's exercise routine!]
$14.99 at Chronicle Books
5. Pooping Pooches: "Do you know someone who loves dogs...too much?" [No words.]
6. Merby's: The 'bearded men in fish tails' calendar by the Newfoundland and Labrador Beard & Moustache Club is back. [Sure, why not? Read the rest